If you are considering joining the Navy, you must ensure to pass the Navy fitness test, the minimum requirement of the navy’s physical health. In this article, we are going to analyze which of the qualifications you need and suggest helpful tips to sharpen your abilities as well as be ready for them. Let’s see how the Navy scores your physical fitness!


navy fitness test
What are the Navy Fitness Test requirements?


1. What are the Navy’s physical fitness requirements?

The Navy physical fitness test is split into 3 major parts, which are navy swim, body composition, and physical readiness. 


1.1. Navy swim test

Swimming is the top essential skill that the navy physical test candidates must meet. You will need to complete a navy third-class swim test that will be taught during boot camp. After successfully graduate this course, you will be able to “stay afloat and survive without the use of a Personal Floatation Device (PFD) in open water under optimum conditions long enough to be rescued in a man-over-board situation.”

In order to join the Third Class Swim test, you must meet the requirements:

  • Be able to take the deep-water jump from a minimum of at least five feet in the air into 8 feet deep-water then swim to the surface with any help.
  • Be able to swim constantly 50 yards (standing or holding onto the sides of the pool is unacceptable)
  • Be able to do the prone float in 5 minutes

In some specific Navy jobs, navy personnel must pass the Navy Second Class Swim Test as well. This module requires them to do the shirt and trousers inflation assessment. You are required to stay afloat without any personal floatation device (PFD) by using the clothing inflation methods. 


>>See also: All crucial enlistment requirements for the U.S. Air Force


1.2. Body composition assessment (BCA)

All the members of the Navy including enlistees, reservists, and sailors must complete this assessment twice per year. The criteria of this test are made up of: 

  • Maximum weight based on height, the maximum allowable body fat limit for the navy is 26% for males and 36% for females
  • Circumference around the abdomen
  • Body composition analysis

Besides the BCA, there is also a standard medical screening that the Navy personnel must take. It includes the physical health assessment, a risk factor questionnaire, and pre-physical activity. 


1.3. Navy Physical Readiness Test 

The Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) is a 2-year test used for navy members. In addition, this test is designed to assess recruits during boot camp and active Navy sailors. Recruits are required to take this test to graduate from boot camp and transfer to sailors. 

The test includes 3 subparts, and each component must be completed within time to pass: 

Curl-ups: this component test the core and muscle of navy personnel. The exercises include balance and dynamic movements. The recruiter must wear shoes and lie on a flat surface. Then they take the curl-ups in 2 minutes, and only correct movements are counted. 

Specifically, the proper curl-ups should begin with your lower back and shoulder blades on the floor and your arms crossed across your chest. Pull your body up, connecting your elbows to your thighs while maintaining your hands firmly placed against your chest or upper shoulders. Then, return to the beginning point and start over. 

Depending on their age, the minimum rate ò the test will differ: 

Age min curls-ups/min
17-19 54 
20-24 50 
25-29 47 
30-34 44 
35-39 40 
40-44 37 
45-49 33 
50-54 30
55-59 28 
60-64 22 
older than 65 13 


Push-ups: Similar to the curl-up assessment, push-ups also is taken while wearing shoes and lying on a flat surface. Your upper body must be held by your toes and palms. For a period of 2 minutes, you are required to lower your body until your arms bend at least 90 degrees. 


Age min push-ups/mins  (males) min push-up/mins  (females)
17-19 46  20 
20-24 42  17 
25-29 38  15 
30-34 35  13 
35-39 33  11 
40-44 29
45-49 25
50-54 23 
55-59 12 
60-64 10 
older than 65


Cardiorespiratory event: A 1.5-mile run/walk is the Navy standard for a cardio event. It must be done on a level, solid surface, such as a track. The recruit or sailor runs or walks—or a combination of both—to finish the 1.5-mile distance as rapidly as feasible.

Alternatively, recruits and troops can participate in cardiovascular tests such as a 500-yard swim, 12 minutes on a stationary cycle, or 12 minutes on an elliptical machine.

The table below shows the maximum run time for the Navy fitness test: 


Age Males Females
17-19 12 mins and 15 secs 14 mins and 15 secs
20-24 13 mins and 15 secs 15 mins and 15 secs
25-29 13 mins and 15 secs 15 mins and 15 secs
30-34 14 mins and 15 secs 16 mins and 15 secs
35-39 14 mins and 15 secs 16 mins and 15 secs
40-44 15 mins and 15 secs 17 mins and 15 secs
45-49 15 mins and 15 secs 17 mins and 15 secs
50-54 16 mins and 15 secs 17 mins and 15 secs
55-59 16 mins and 15 secs 18 mins and 15 secs
60-64 18 mins and 15 secs 19 mins and 15 secs
older than 65 19 mins and 15 secs 20 mins and 15 secs


>>See more: Standard U.S. Military Fitness Requirements For Each Branch


navy fitness test requirements
A 1.5-mile run/walk is the Navy standard for a cardio event


2. How is the Navy fitness test scoring?

Each of the three Navy fitness test activities is graded on a scale of Satisfactory, Good, Excellent, or Outstanding depending on the number of performed reps and timings. The ultimate PRT score is obtained by averaging the results of each event. The following are the minimum passing requirements:

  • Recruits: Average score of 60, which is considered Good (Low)
  • Active and reserve sailors: Average score of 50, which is considered Satisfactory (Medium)

However, the exact number of curl-ups and push-ups needed for each point value, as well as the average cardio time, will vary depending on the age and gender of the member or prospective member. 


Performance Category Performance Level Points
Outstanding High 100
Outstanding Medium 95
Outstanding Low 90
Excellent High 85
Excellent Medium 80
Excellent Medium 75
Good High 70
Good Medium 65
Good Low 60
Satisfactory High 55
Satisfactory Medium 50
Probationary N/A 45


3. Further Navy fitness test  

After completing the basic Navy fitness test’s physical criteria, those who want to join Navy SEALs or Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen (SWCC) must pass further obligatory fitness exams.


3.1. Navy SEAL fitness test 

The Navy’s SEAL (Sea, Air, and Land) units are special operations, and troops. To join a Navy SEAL, you must pass a rigorous fitness exam. Those who take the exam must meet the minimal standards, it is recommended that they aim for higher results in order to increase their chances of becoming a SEAL. The following are the minimums requirements:


Criteria Requirements
500-yard swim maximum ~ 12 mins 30 secs
push-ups at least ~ 42 push-ups/2mins
sit-ups at least ~ 52 push-ups/2mins
Pull-ups at least ~ 8 pull-ups
1.5-mile run maximum ~ 11 mins 30 secs 


3.2. Navy SWCC fitness test 

To become a Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen, you must pass a fitness test identical to the SEALs. Prospective SWCC members must meet minimal qualifications but should strive for higher performance. The minimal criteria are as follows:


Criteria Requirements
500-yard swim maximum ~ 13 mins
push-ups at least ~ 50 push-ups/2mins
sit-ups at least ~ 50 push-ups/2mins
Pull-ups at least ~ 6 pull-ups
1.5-mile run maximum ~ 12 mins


us navy fitness test
How to prepare for the navy fitness test?


4. How to prepare for the navy fitness test? 

To enroll in the Navy, you must be in good physical condition, complete boot camp, and retain your status. If you’re thinking about entering the Navy, here are some things you can do to get ready for the physical requirements:


4.1. Work with a physician or healthcare professional 

Have frequent meetings with a healthcare specialist before beginning your training regimen as well as during your training to establish your present physical standing in comparison to the Navy’s criteria. They can assist you in securely achieving your fitness objectives.


4.2. Establish your working habits 

Exercise in the morning and evening to simulate the long days of physical exertion necessary in boot camp. It might also assist you in developing exercise routines that keep you inside the PRT’s Satisfactory-level standards.


4.3. Do the daily workout 

Work out often before arriving at boot camp to ensure your body is prepared for the rigors of basic training is ideal for the Navy fitness test.


4.4. Do the combined workout 

This phase will assist you in conditioning your complete body and preparing for both the cardiovascular event and the physical strength tests. Consider timing your reps of sit-ups and push-ups according to the PRT standards.


In conclusion, the Navy fitness test is not a tough mission if you are well-prepared with a strong will. We hope that the information we’ve furnished you may be helpful for your specialty and career. Besides, to prepare for your military career, let ASVAB Test Pro helps you!