Addition to Must-know Essential U.S. Military Requirements regarding Age Requirements,  Citizenship Requirements, Educational and Testing Requirements, The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force, six branches of the U.S. Armed Forces all have similar but distinct military physical fitness exams and requirements. Additionally, there are other ways to enlist as an officer or enlisted individual. Here is a list of the standard U.S. military fitness requirements for incoming officers and recruits. 

Check out these military fitness criteria for each branch if you’re interested in joining the military, a veteran or retiree, or a civilian simply curious about what it takes to pass the fitness exam. Let them serve as motivation for your efforts and a constant reminder of how physically fit our soldiers are.


1. Army Fitness Requirements


If you wish to serve in the United States Army, you need to meet the army physical fitness test requirements used from basic training and throughout a Soldier’s career.

The Army Combat Fitness Test, so-called ACFT, is the Army’s current physical fitness test. It consists of 6 distinctive components representing muscular strength, power, flexibility and coordination. If you meet or exceed each task’s minimum requirements, you will earn points. These constituents include: 


1.1.  3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift 

army physical fitness test 3 repetition maximum deadlift
ACFT –  3 repetition maximum deadlift

You are required to deadlift the maximum weight you can three times.


1.2. Standing Power Throw


You have to throw a 10-pound exercise ball backward and overhead as far as possible.


1.3. Hand- Release Push-Up – Arm Extension

ACFT Hand Release Pushup
ACFT-Hand Release Pushup

Within 2 minutes, you need to accomplish as many hand-release push-ups as possible.


1.4. Sprint-Drag-Carry


You must complete 50-meter shuttles five times as fast as possible – including: sprint, drag, lateral, carry and sprint.


1.5. Leg Tuck 


Without excessive swinging, you need to not only maintain a relatively vertical posture but also move the hips and knees up and down in order to complete as many leg tucks as possible with a bar. 

Keep in mind that you mustn’t cross your legs since you trip over if your legs are crossed in combat situations such as jumping off a wall or a helicopter quickly.


1.6. 2-Mile Run


You have to run 2 miles on a flat outdoor course and your performance will be timed


ACFT 2 Mile Run
ACFT 2-Mile Run


The maximum score a soldier can obtain on the APFT is 300 points. Furthermore, to pass the APFT, you need to score at least 60 points on each event and an overall score of at least 180 points.

Read More >>> U.S. Army Height And Weight Standard Requirements


2. Air Force Fitness Requirements


To become a physically fit Airman, you are required to overcome some exercises which build cardio, core and upper body strength so as to form your stamina for everyday life. Here are the minimum standards for the Air Force’s Basic Training Physical Fitness test that you need to pass to fly, fight and win. Let’s check it out!


2.1. 1-minute Sit-ups 


You have to sit up from a supine position without using the arms for leverage to measure how strong your abdominal muscles are. 

Under 30 years old From  30 to 39 years old From 40 to 49 years old From 50 to 59 years old Over 60 years old
Male’s Sit-ups Minimum 42 39 34 28 22
Female’s Sit-ups Minimum 38 29 24 20 11


2.2. 1- minute Push-ups 


You must lie facing the floor and, keep your back straight, raise your body by pressing down on your hands.

Under 30 years old From  30 to 39 years old From 40 to 49 years old From 50 to 59 years old Over 60 years old
Male’s Push-ups Minimum 33 27 21 15 14
Female’s Push-ups Minimum 18 14 11 9 7


2.3. Timed 1.5-mile Run


You have to run 1.5 miles on a flat outdoor course and your performance will be timed. 

Under 30 years old From  30 to 39 years old From 40 to 49 years old From 50 to 59 years old Over 60 years old
Male’s Run Time 13m36s 14m00s 14m52s 16m22s 18m14s
Female’s Run Time  16m22s 16m57s 18m14s 19m43s 22m28s


3. Coast Guard Physical Fitness Requirements


As part of its duty to defend both domestic and foreign seas, the Coast Guard responds to tens of thousands of cases and saves thousands of lives  annually. Therefore, you must be physically fit on land and in water in order to train like a Coastie.

Here are the minimum Coast Guard physical fitness requirements by gender: 


3.1. 1-minute Push-ups 


  • Male: 29
  • Female: 15


3.2. 1- minute Curl-ups  or Sit-ups 


  • Male: 38
  • Female: 32

3.3. 1-minute 1.5-Mile Run 


  • Male: 12m51s
  • Female: 15m26s


3.4. Swim Circuit


You need to complete your swim circuit by jumping off a 1.5-meter platform into a pool, swimming 100 meters unassisted.


4. Marine Corps Fitness Requirements


To find out who has the stamina and determination to serve in the U.S. Marine Corps, USMC requires their service members pass the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test 

 Minimum Standard Marines’ Physical Fitness Requirements 


4.1. Pull-ups or Push-ups


Pull-up is an upper body strength exercise. With your palms facing outward and your body completely extended, you hang onto a pullup bar to begin a pullup. Then you lift yourself till your chin is over the bar. In contrast to chinups, pull ups are different. When performing a chin up, your palms and hands should be facing you.

17 – 20 years old 21-25

years old


years old


years old


years old


years old


years old

Over 51 years old
Men’s Pull-ups Minimum 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 3
Women’s Pull-ups Minimum 1 3 4 3 3 2 2 2

To conduct a push-up you need to lay face-down on the ground in the prone position. Do not separate your feet. Use your arms to elevate yourself while keeping your weight on your chest.

17 – 20 years old 21-25

years old


years old


years old


years old


years old


years old

Over 51 years old
Men’s Push-ups Minimum 42 40 39 36 34 30 25 20
Women’s Push-up Minimum 19 18 18 16 14 12 11 10


4.2.  Timed Crunches or Plank


marine corps physical fitness test plank
The U.S. Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test – Plank
17 – 20 years old 21-25

years old


years old


years old


years old


years old


years old

Over 51 years old
Men’s Crunch Minimum 70 70 70 70 70 65 50 40
Women’s Crunch Minimum 50 55 60 60 60 55 50 40

Marines are now permitted to perform the plank stance in place of crunches as of January 1, 2020. To ace the test, practice holding a plank position for about 4 minutes 20 seconds. To plank correctly you need to 

  • Create a broad, stable base, spread your fingers widely. 
  • Position your shoulders over your hands, and your heels above your toes. 
  • maintain a straight line with your body from your head down to your heels, m
  • Hold your core tight and watch your back and stomach for signs of sagging.

Take note: By 2022, the minimum hold duration required to pass the exercise will be 1 minutes and 10 seconds, while the maximum hold time required to pass will be 3 minutes and 45 seconds. 


4.3. Timed 3-mile Run


  • Men: 3-mile run in 28 minutes or less.
  • Women: 3-mile run in 31 minutes or less.

The Marines’ fitness test is presumably the most challenging. Push-ups can be substituted for pull-ups, although doing so will only result in a score of 70% of the possible. For instance, a new Marine will receive 100 points if they do the maximum number of pull-ups (23). Only 70 points are awarded if the Marine completes all 87 push-ups. The USMC PFT has a maximum score of 300.


5. Navy Fitness Requirements


As far as you know, to ensure the fleet stays mission-ready, sailors must maintain physical excellent fitness. More specifically, the Navy Physical Readiness Test— so-called PRT—is a fitness assessment which is given to both recruits during boot camp and  Navy sailors including active duty and reservists. 

To graduate from boot camp and become a sailor, recruits must pass the test in order to graduate from boot camp and become sailors. Meanwhile, Navy members are tested twice each year.

The Navy Readiness Test encompasses some exercise assessments which must be completed properly and within a time limit. It should be noted that some exercise assessments are measured based on the recruit’s or sailor’s gender, whereas, the others are only based on age.

Since 2020, the Navy Physical Readiness Test has undergone several changes which help to improve the sailors’ physical performance and minimize their risk of injury. More specifically, Sailors will perform a forearm plank instead of “curl-ups,” which is similar to sit-ups. The push-ups are cadence push-ups now. Additionally, a 2-kilometer row has been added as an optional cardio event. 

Navy Physical Readiness Test includes: 


5.1. Two – minute Push-ups


On a level, flat surface, push-ups are executed while wearing shoes. The toes and hands should support the body in a straight line. The participant lowers their body for two minutes, bending their arms at least 90 degrees. Only push-ups that are executed successfully are recorded. The minimum requirements are:

Ages Minimum 2-minute push-ups requirements for Males  Minimum 2-minute push-ups requirements for Females 
17 – 19 46 push-ups 20 push-ups
20-24 42 push-ups 17 push-ups
25-29 38 push-ups 15 push-ups
30 – 34 35 push-ups  13 push-ups
35 – 39 33 push-ups  11 push-ups
40 – 44 29 push-ups  9 push-ups
45 – 49 25 push-ups 7 push-ups
50 – 54 23 push-ups 5 push-ups
55 – 59 12 push-ups 3 push-ups
60 – 64 10 push-ups 3 push-ups
65 + 6 push-ups 2 push-ups


5.2. Forearm plank  for maximum time


The “curl-up” or modified sit-up that was formerly necessary has been replaced with the plank in the Navy. The forearm plank is a better test of core strength and abdominal muscular endurance, according to Navy advice, which also noted that the traditional curl-up had physical disadvantages.

Read More >>> The U.S. Navy Height And Weight Standards


5.3. Cardio-respiratory fitness 


A 1.5-mile run/walk is the Navy standard for a cardiac event. It must be carried out on a level, stable surface, like a track. The recruit or sailor attempts to cover the 1.5 miles as rapidly as possible by running, walking, or combining running and walking.

Swimming 500 yards or 450 meters in the quickest time possible typically constitutes an event. Only a regular 25 or 50 yard/meter swimming pool is allowed for the swim test.

As an alternative, recruits and soldiers can take part in cardiac tests like a 500-yard swim, 12 minutes of stationary cycling, or 12 minutes of elliptical training.

Take note: In the Navy Physical Readiness Test, sailors on active duty have the option of swimming 500 yards (450 meters) or running 1.5 miles. Swimming is not permitted until you have completed your basic training or officer training program if you are enrolled in boot camp, the Naval Academy, or any Navy ROTC program.

The maximum run times are:

Ages Minimum 1,5-mile run requirements for Males  Minimum 1,5-mile run requirements for Females 
17 – 19 12m15s 14m45s
20-24 13m15s 15m15s
25-29 13m45s 15m45s
30 – 34 14m15s 16m15s
35 – 39 14m45s 16m38s
40 – 44 15m15s 17 mins
45 – 49 15m45s 17m08s
50 – 54 16m15s 17m15s
55 – 59 16m51s 18m18s
60 – 64 18m20s 19m25s
65 + 19m47s 20m31s

Each of the three fitness competitions receives a score based on a range of completed reps and timings deemed to be Satisfactory, Good, Excellent, or Outstanding. The sum of the scores received for each event is then used to get the final PRT score. The following criteria must be met to pass:

  • Recruits: A good score, on average, is sixty (Low)
  • Average score for active and reserve sailors is 50, which is regarded as satisfactory (Medium)


6. Space Force Fitness Requirements


To date, the U.S. Air Force’s physical fitness standards, which consist of sit-ups, push-ups, and a 1.5-mile run, are being followed by Guardians in the Space Force. The Space Force will eventually create its own method of evaluating physical fitness.