
Free Online Practice Test for ASVAB Exam 2025

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The ASVAB, which stands for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is a standardized test used to gauge a candidate’s aptitude for service in the U.S Armed Forces. The ASVAB test also helps to determine which branch of service or military job that an individual is suitable for. 

There are two versions of the ASVAB test including paper and pencil version and computer adaptive (CAT) version. However, most candidates opt to take the CAT-ASVAB.


The ASVAB test includes 9 sections namely Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, General Science, Electronics Information, Auto and Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, and Assembling Objects. Here is a summary of what is tested on the ASVAB exam:

- Arithmetic Reasoning (16 questions in 39 minutes): tests your ability to solve arithmetic word problems

- Word Knowledge (16 questions in 8 minutes): tests your ability to choose the correct meaning of words presented in context and identify the best synonym for a given word

- Paragraph Comprehension (11 questions in 22 minutes): checks your ability to obtain information from written passages

- Mathematics Knowledge (16 questions in 20 minutes): tests your knowledge of high school mathematics principles

- General Science (16 questions in 8 minutes): tests your understanding of biology, chemistry, and physics.

- Electronics Information (16 questions in 8 minutes): tests your knowledge of electricity such as circuits, transistors as well as concepts such as resistance and conductivity

- Auto and Shop Information (22 questions in 13 minutes, specifically 11 questions for Auto in 7 minutes and 11 questions for Shop in 6 minutes): tests your knowledge of automobile technology (Auto) and tools and shop terminology and practices (Shop)

- Mechanical Comprehension (16 questions in 20 minutes): tests your understanding of mechanical and physical principles

- Assembling Objects (16 questions in 16 minutes): tests your ability to determine how an object will look when its parts are put together


Understanding the ASVAB score range, which means understanding standard deviations is essential. A candidate may gain a maximum score of 99 and a minimum score of one. Scores are based on the mean of all candidates. This means that the 50 scores would occupy an average score. A single standard deviation from the mean score is represented by the augmentation of 10. 

The  Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is a part of the ASVAB exam which is calculated to decide your AFQT score.

AFQT Category

Score Range


93 – 99


65 – 92


50 – 64


31 – 49


21 – 30


16 – 20


10 – 15


1 – 9


The AFQT is the basic skill assessment and comprises: 

  • Paragraph Comprehension
  • Word Knowledge
  • Mathematics Knowledge
  • Arithmetic Reasoning

These four sections are used to determine whether a candidate qualifies for military duty. Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge heavily concentrate on any of the technical jobs in each branch. 


Each military branch requires its own minimum score set for entry. A high score will increase your chances of not only enlisting in the branch you chose but also earning the position you wish. Below is the minimum score requirement for each branch, with both GED and high school diploma. 

Military Branch

Min. Score (With HS Diploma)

Min. Score (With GED)

Air Force






Coast Guard



Marine Corps








How many questions are on the ASVAB test?

The number of questions you have to complete depend on which version you take. The paper and pencil version encompasses 225 questions and the computerized version contains 145 questions. 

How long is the ASVAB test?

Although the computer-based ASVAB test takes an average of 1.5 hours to complete all nine sections, all candidates are actually given a total of 154 minutes for the test. Meanwhile, the paper-based ASVAB test allows applicants to complete administrative tasks during 3 hours, however, students have a total of 149 minutes to handle all test questions.

How often can I take the ASVAB?

After taking the first ASVAB test, you must wait one month to retake the test. To retest the second time, you must wait another one month. After that, a six-month wait is required to retake the test. 

Are there two entrance exams - ASVAB and AFQT? 

No, there is only one exam, the ASVAB test which includes 10 tests. Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge are four more important sections and make up the Armed Forces Qualifications Test (AFQT) score. The AFQT scores are not only utilized to decide your suitability for enlistment in the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps but also the best military job. 

How much does it cost to take the ASVAB?

You don’t need to pay any fee for taking the ASVAB test. However, you need to pay fees if you want to register for preparation courses. Costs for preparation courses are different depending on which organization and what type of instruction you opt. 

What is the highest ASVAB score?

The ASVAB test has the highest score of 99. The score is a percentile taken from a test taker’s performance on the four main sections (Arithmetic Reasoning, Mathematical Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Word Knowledge).

A candidate’s results are compared to recorded scores from a controlled sample of those who sat for the same exams in 1997. The score a test taker receives shows what percentage of those sample candidates he/ she did better than. For example, gaining a score of 80 means that you did better than 80% of the sample group. 

ASVAB Practice Test by

Do you find it hard to pass the ASVAB test? Don’t worry! ASVAB practice tests by ASVAB TEST PRO are here to help you. Thousands of our ASVAB practice questions are completely free and split into 9 sections like in the actual test which gives you an idea of what you need to do on your test day. Once finishing each practice test, detailed explanations as well as result statistics will be provided to you. This will help you know which knowledge areas you should pay more attention to. Additionally, our website features articles which offer useful tips to help you succeed in passing the ASVAB exam on your first try. 

Start your journey of conquering the ASVAB exam right now with our free practice tests!

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