ASVAB is the abbreviation of The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, which is a test administered annually by the Department of Defense to gauge applicants’ capacity as well as their qualification for joining in some military occupations. 

The Electronic Information (EI) subtest on the ASVAB is designed to indicate your knowledge of various electricity principles regarding circuits, currents, resistors, magnets, motors, transistors and electronic devices such as radios, televisions, etc. Besides, although your AFQT Enlistment Score is not calculated by Electronics Information mark, many careers in the US military require it to score well. Start to read this blog to take insight into The ASVAB Electronics Information Test Study Guide.


1. Overview Of ASVAB Electronics Information Subtest


asvab electronics information
 Electronics Information is one of the 9 subtests of ASVAB


1.1. Test Delivery Method


A different number of ASVAB EI questions that you might asked to answer depending on whether you are going to take the P&P or CAT – ASVAB as follows: 

  • CAT (Computer-Adaptive Test) – ASVAB: You will have 16 questions asked to finish within 8 minutes.
  • Paper-and-Pencil – ASVAB: You must accomplish 20 questions in 9 minutes. 

Don’t be afraid that the paper and pencil version have more questions to deal with because both exams have been carefully calibrated to be suitable for the test takers’ abilities. To get a high score in this portion, you need to arm yourself with commanding knowledge of major topics regarding Electronics and electricity that almost appear on the exam. 


1.2. Career Field


The Electronics Information Result is mainly used for some career fields including  electronics, general maintenance, engineering, and special operations. Furthermore, the occupational positions such as Special Warfare Operator (Navy), Avionics Repairs (Army), Cyber Transport Systems (Air Force), Geographic Intelligence Specialist (Marines), and Electronics Technician (Coast Guard)  also require the EI subtest as a part of the qualification process. 


1.3. Registration and Fee


Test takers will easily register for the EI examination via their school or military recruiters free of charge


1.4. Scoring


You will be awarded one point for each correct answer and not penalized for wrong answers. Afterwards, your final score will be converted into a percentage. For instance, you will achieve a 75% on your subtest. It should be noted that the higher mark you receive, the more military job opportunities you will choose.


2. Testing Points Covered On The EI Exam


There are 4 key themes always tested on the EI Exam that you should consider. Thus, we synthesize and tabulate them below to help you get an clear overview about the most asked subjects and definitions on the ASVAB Electronics Information Exam: 

No. Testing Syllabus  Topics
1. Measure Electricity Volts




2. Key Definitions Current



3. Principles of Electricity Types of resistance

Ohm’s law

Electrical effects



Direction of Electrical Flow

4. Circuits and circuit symbol interpretation Alternating current 





Electrical Circuit Symbols







Based on the syllabus tabulated above, you will identify what you should learn right now instead of being bombarded by a lot of information and don’t know how to begin with. Check it out!

Related Article >> ASVAB Auto And Shop Information Study Guide


3. Basic Concepts On The ASVAB Electronics Information


3.1. Electron flow


  • Electrons: The movement of electrons which are negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom create electricity. Electrons in atoms exist in spherical shells which have varied radii and display different energy levels. The higher the energy contained in the electron if the larger the spherical shell. 
  • Conductors: An electrical conductor is a substance in which electrons flow and move freely from atom to atom with the application of voltage. 
  • Insulators: Unlike conductors, insulators are materials in which electrons are not allowed to flow freely because the atoms of the insulator have tightly bound electrons
  • Semiconductors: Valence Shell of Semiconductors are exactly half full leading to conducting electricity under some conditions but not others. Thanks to this feature, they are often used for controlling electrical current. 
  • Current: It measured in Amperes (A) refers to the rate of flow of electrons per unit time 
  • Voltage (V): It is known as the electrical potential difference per unit charge  between 2 points in a circuit. Electrons will move from high potential areas to low potential ones. 
  •  Resistance: Resistance is measured in Ohms (Ω). One ohm is regarded as the amount of resistance that will let 1A of current to flow if 1V is applied
  • Conductive Materials: They are materials that conduct electricity to go through them. When choosing a conductive material, we need to consider some criteria including the electrical qualities of a material, its cost and durability as well. 
  • Power (P): Electrical power is gauged in Watts (W) and is calculated by a formula as follows: P = IV.   

3.2. Circuits


  • Load: An electrical load is a part of an electrical circuit in which current is transformed electrical energy into another form. For example, a load converts electricity from a lightbulb, resistor and a motor into heat, light or motion respectively. 
  • Open & Closed Circuits: A closed circuit is a self-contained loop or path that electricity flows. Meanwhile, if the circuit is interrupted due to a wire being disconnected or cut, it will become an Open Circuits, therefore, there is no electricity to go through. 
  • Ohm’s Law: Ohm’s Law’s  formula – V=IR – indicates the relationship between voltage (V), resistance (R) and current (I) 
  • Series Circuit: A series circuit creates an end-to-end connection to form a single path so that current can flow through it.

series connection

Series Circuit asvab


  • Parallel Circuit: In a parallel Circuit, all components link each other via  leads. 


parallel connection asvab electronics information

parallel circit asvab

3.3. Electronic Components


  • Fuses: A fuse is known as a thin wire that might melt whenever the current in a circuit exceeds a permitted amount.
  • Circuit Breakers: Like fuses, circuit breakers will stop current flow if it reaches a certain amount. Although they can be reused, their response is slower and their cost is more expensive compared to fuses.

In this blog, we only list some basic concepts you need to know so in order to have an in-depth understanding about ASVAB Electronics Information, let’s keep reading for the following parts.


4. The ASVAB Electronics Information Study Guide


We suggest some learning tips to boost your knowledge in the Electronics Information Field. Give it a try! 

  • Learn metals and other conductors, especially identifying which are good or poor at conducting electricity. 
  • Focus on how electricity is used nowadays and electronic devices such as refrigerators, televisions and more.
  • Study many kinds of currents and circuits.
  • Get to know the meaning of the most common Electrical Terms and Symbols.
  • Grasp Ohm’s Law regarding how it is used and the various ways that it can be applied. 

Read more >>ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning Study Guide 


5. Extra Tips To Familiarize With Electronics Information


5.1. Place more emphasis on Ohm’s Law


electronics information asvab
Learn more emphasis on Ohm’s Law
  • What is power?
  • How does current flow ?
  • What is alternating current ?
  • What is a rectifier ? 
  • What does a transistor do ?
  • Why do electronic devices operate at high frequencies ?
  • What must electrical devices have to work (capacitive or inductive reactance)


5.2. Learn common units of electrical measurement


  • Ohms – which involves resistance
  • Amperes or amps – which involves current
  • Watts – which involves power
  • Volts – which involves voltage
  • Watt-hours – which involves energy


5.3. Enroll in an Electronics Information junior college class 


In case you expect to achieve a good EI subtest score, you should take into account attending a junior college class that provides you with comprehensive and intensive knowledge. 


5.4. Read as much as possible and do extensive research on the Internet


Reading and researching on your own will help you have an in-depth understanding about any specific field. Besides, you need to ensure that you have read information from valid and reliable sources to keep yourself updated with accurate information. 


5.5. Take ASVAB Electronics Information practice test 


“Practice makes perfect ” thus let’s do it right now to become familiar with current Electronics Information Knowledge questions on subjects typically covered on the actual test. Taking practice a few times and making careful reviews afterwards might facilitate your learning and your confidence. 


In conclusion, this article provides you with the best ASVAB Electronics Information Study Guide. Read carefully our blog and take as many ASVAB Electronics Information Practice Tests as possible to ace your ASVAB upcoming test. Make your best effort!